Top Ten Anagrams For 'Amiga Technologies'

Kevin Hisel -

[ Article crossposted from comp.sys.amiga.advocacy ]
[ Author was Kevin Hisel ]
[ Posted on 25 Jun 1995 17:07:18 GMT ]

I hope nobody takes offense at these (especially Gilles and the Good Doctor), but I simply cannot control which letters make up the subject material here! This is all in good fun! :-)

10. Gain might, cool ease.

9. Noise might ace goal!

8. Logic: gain some heat.

7. Giant loose...he magic!

6. Giant loose, cage him!

5. Gosh, aloe-meat icing!

4. Cite gang, hail moose!

3. Shame: Anti-ego logic.

2. Nice metal; gags Ohio.

...and the #1 anagram for 'Amiga Technologies':

1. Hail! Giant egos come!


Arrived at with just a 'little' help from 'Main Sanitary Nag' (Anagram Insanity) at URL:
